Calculation and Brain Storming Qna - Calculative Mind

Calculation and Brain Storming QnA - Calculative Mind Calculative mind helps us to have simple generak knowledge and the activity related to it. Questiin and answers will be provided at the blog post itself. If you want to have more question then you can ask it to the comment section.

How many hours, minutes,seconds are there in a year ?


How many hours, minutes, seconds are there in a year?
How many hours, minutes,seconds are there in a year ?

There are 525600 minutes in a year, 8760 hours whereas 3.154e+7 in a year.


365 days in normal year.
31,536,000 seconds
31,622,400 seconds.
8,760 hours.
525,600 minutes

366 days (leap year).

8,784 hours
527,040 minutes

How many hours, minutes, seconds are there in a year?

Ans B:-

What some people  do is that they  use the regular 365 days for a year.

Unless you want exact measurements like in seconds hours and minutes.

There is a  reason we have a leap year every 4 years is because one year isn't exactly 365 days. 

It's actually 365.2422 days. which is very close to 365.25 days. After 4 years that 0.2422 comes up to 0.9688 which is close to 1 day .

It is  only 45 minutes off  because to actually keep track of that and catch up on time with the inverse.

How many hours, minutes, seconds are there in a year?

Ans C:-  If you really want the exact hours. minutes, and seconds are in a year. all you have to do is multiply 365.2422 by 24 hours.

 Then multiply that by 60 minutes and  that by 60 seconds, and 8,765 hours, 48 minutes, and 46.08 seconds, OR 525,948 minutes and 46.08 seconds. OR 31,556,926.08 seconds.

How many hours, minutes, seconds are there in a year?

Ans D:

To solve these  we should have knowledge about how many numbers of minutes in a hour. 

Those people without  knowledge about how many minutes do contain in a hour who will not be tackle this question at all and let it be.

 I think we should start some  steps to solve this question and wait for the ramification.

So my first approach would be to find several minutes in one hour and then multiply by 24. To get the minutes in a day and then ramification of the  minutes in a day should be multiplied with 365 we will get the answer.

See how.

We know 

1hour = 60minutes

24 hours=24*60 = 1440 minutes in a day.

So We know that there are 365 days in a normal year and  we have 1440 minutes. we need to do one simple thing multiply 1440 with 365 you will get your answer.

See how.

365 * 1440= 525600 minutes in a year.

There is two conditions first with leap year without leap year or several minutes with leap year.

We know that there are in 366 days in leap year.

The result of the leap year would distinct from a year without leap.

Leap year results would be like this

366*1440= 527040 minutes in a leap year.

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