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Arugula allergy facts- Arugula nutrition

What is arugula allergy?

Arugula allergy facts- Arugula nutrition

Ans: From wisegeek 

Arugula allergy does not occurs when we take it once. Arugula is a leafy herb which are green in colour. They are of mustard family and  also known as rucola and with many other name , it consist of long dark greeny leaf that seem  like the leavf of a oak tree.Arugula could  be used to prepare pesto a many  more things.

This herb is closely connected or related to both the radish, watercress, and the taste of the leaves is peppery. The leaves ranges from  3 and 8 inches 7.5cm and 20 cm in length, depending on the years of the leaf.  It is used the seeds to  oil, and made aphrodisiac and medicinal herbs and components from the plant.

Arugula salad with cheese, tomatoes, and pine nuts.

Arugula salad with cheese, tomatoes, and pine nuts.

Arugula is very low in calories and is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium, and magnesium. It may be eaten raw or can be added to salads with other salad greens, or cooked. The leaves are excellent sauteed lightly in olive oil or steamed and added to pasta dishes. The plant can also be made into pesto and served with pasta or potatoes or as an accompaniment to roasted or grilled meats.

Cause of arugula: From


Food allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain proteins. The first time you eat arugula, you may have no reaction. But unbeknown to you, your body has formed Immunoglobulin E, or IgE, antibodies to arugula. The next time you eat it, the IgE antibodies release chemicals, such as histamine, which attempt to eliminate or attack the offending substance. These chemicals cause symptoms associated with allergies.

Symptoms of arugula


University of Maryland Medical Center: Food Allergy

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. Common symptoms include tongue swelling and irritation of the lips and throat. Facial swelling known as angioedema may also occur. Symptoms normally occur within a few minutes after ingesting an allergen but may not appear for several hours.


Complications of arugula:

Complications of an allergic reaction to arugula include swelling in the throat that could impede airflow to the lungs. If the throat swells completely, death can take place within a few minutes. People with severe allergies to arugula should carry injectable epinephrine, which reduces swelling, in case of inadvertent ingestion of arugula. Anaphylaxis, the collapse of the circulatory system accompanied by shock and a drop in blood pressure, can occur in rare cases.

Prevention of arugula


The best way to prevent an allergy attack from arugula is complete avoidance. Reactions might get worse every time you’re exposed to arugula or any other allergenic substances, so having a mild reaction one time does not mean you’ll have a mild reaction the next time you’re exposed. If you have allergies, approach new foods cautiously, eating only a little the first time you’re exposed to it to check for possible reactions. Many restaurant salads contain a mixture of greens, but don't take the restaurant's word for it that your salad contains no arugula if you're allergic.  If you're highly allergic, even a small bit of arugula that clings to a knife used to cut it and other types of lettuce could cause a reaction.

Thank you guys for reading my simple research. Above mention, two sources are credited for this. You can also read out Digiorno nutrition facts.

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