Calculation and Brain Storming Qna - Calculative Mind

Calculation and Brain Storming QnA - Calculative Mind Calculative mind helps us to have simple generak knowledge and the activity related to it. Questiin and answers will be provided at the blog post itself. If you want to have more question then you can ask it to the comment section.

What is the food that starts with O?

 What is the food that starts with O?

What is the food that starts with O?

Ans A: By  Nga Mai  Din

  1. Oat milk.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Oats - Coarse.
  4. Oats - Rolled.
  5. Oca.
  6. Ocean Perch.
  7. Octopus.
  8. Okra.
  9. Olive Oil.
  10. Olives.
  11. Omega Spread.
  12. Onion - Brown.
  13. Onion - Red.
  14. Onion - White.
  15. Orange Roughy.
  16. orange-blood.
  17. Oranges.
  18. Oregano.
  19. Oyster Sauce.
  20. Oysters.

What is the food that starts with O?

Ans B: Kayawell

  • Orange.
  • octopus.
  • onion.
  • oats.
  • olives.
  • oysters.
  • omelette.
  • Oreos.
  • oatmeal.

What is the food that starts with O?

Ans C: By Regina

Orange is generally known and acknowledged natural product everywhere throughout the world. It is individual from the citrus family and about 87% of water. Orange contains a high measure of nutrient C, making it an amazing cancer prevention agent. It comprises of Vitamin A, B1, B2 and C and contains for all intents and purposes no fats.

Medical advantages of oranges.

A. Orange fills in as an Immune Booster. It animates the capacity of the invulnerable framework as a result of its nutrient C and flavonoid content.

B. Orange is extremely advantageous in the treatment of blockage since its juice is exceptionally significant as a delicate diuretic.

C. It helps in the treatment of skin illnesses. The orange strip is fantastic in the treatment of skin break out and pimples. Whenever beat with some water, to frame a glue, the blend ought to be applied to the influenced zones.

D. Orange is suggested around evening time for a sound rest. It gives gentle narcotic activity, which makes it simpler for somebody to nod off.

E. Orange is an incredible enemy of cancer-causing food. It has a powerful cancer prevention agent and counteragent properties which are equipped for killing an assortment of cancer-causing agents.

What is the food that starts with O?

Ans D: By Vitor

Here is a list of some of the foods starting with “O”

  • Orange.
  • Oats.
  • Octopus.
  • Onion.
  • Olive Oil.
  • Oreo.
  • Oysters.
  • Omelet.

Thank you for reading.

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