Calculation and Brain Storming Qna - Calculative Mind

Calculation and Brain Storming QnA - Calculative Mind Calculative mind helps us to have simple generak knowledge and the activity related to it. Questiin and answers will be provided at the blog post itself. If you want to have more question then you can ask it to the comment section.

What is the food that starts with E ?

What is the food that starts with E?

What is the food that starts with E ?

What is the food that starts with E?

Ans A:-

1. Egg
2. Eggplant.
3. Eel
4. Eggo.
5. Elbow Macaroni
6. Egg Roll.
7. Elephant Ears.
8. Enchiladas
9. English Muffin.
10. Escargots.
What is the food that starts with E?
Ans B:
Elk (low fat game meat).

Endive ( bitter, nutty-flavored leafy vegetable, 
chicory family, grown in 2 steps.underground after initial leaves are removed from the top).

Escarole (bitter leafy vegetable, chicory family)).

English Sole (mild, delicate flatfish, both eyes on the right (top ) side.

Escargot( land snails).

Eclairs (oblong French pastry with a cream filling).

Emu (high protein meat and the huge, green eggs are also valued as food).

English muffin (round, flat, yeast-leavened, not sweet, usually cooked on a griddle vs. “American” .muffins which are often sweet and baked in the oven ).

Escabeche (vinegar marinade preparation, usually with fish, but not always).

Ensaimade (delicious sweet bread from Majorca, Spain).

Embutido (Filipino meatloaf).

Emmenthaler (the original “Swiss Cheese”.

Eggroll (thin, flat and round flour dough wrapped around a filling and deep-fried).

Entrecote(-you say tomato I say Rib Eye).

Eye round ( lean cut of beef from the leg).

Enset (banana family, used especially in Ethiopia0.

Epazote (herb, pungent cooking herb).

Earth-nut pea (root vegetable, edible tuber).

Edam (North-Holland cheese).

What is the food that starts with E?
Ans C:
Food names start with letter E those are:

Embutido (Filipino meatloaf).

Emmenthaler (the original “Swiss Cheese”.

Eggroll (thin, flat and round flour dough.

wrapped around a filling and deep-fried).

Entrecote(-you say tomato I say Rib Eye).

Eye round ( lean cut of beef from the leg).

Enset (banana family, used especially in Ethiopia0.

Epazote (herb, pungent cooking herb).

Earth-nut pea (root vegetable, edible tuber)

Edam (North-Holland cheese).

What is the food that starts with E?
Ans D:
Food names start with letter E those are:

Embutido (Filipino meatloaf).

Emmenthaler (the original “Swiss Cheese”.

Eggroll (thin, flat and round flour dough
wrapped around a filling and deep-fried).

Entrecote(-you say tomato I say Rib Eye).
Eye round ( lean cut of beef from the leg).
Enset (banana family, used especially in Ethiopia0.
Epazote (herb, pungent cooking herb).
Earth-nut pea (root vegetable, edible tuber).
Edam (North-Holland cheese).

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Picture Is taken from google and all credit goes to their owner and content is placed by my research from different social media like Quora, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more other platforms. 

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